Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Italian and German Pet Market

New trends

Both our personal and professional lives have been significantly influenced by the Corona pandemic. The virus did not stop at the pet industry either. In this upcoming session, you will hear impressions of the situation within the pet industry in Italy and Germany, as well as new trends that have been accelerated through the pandemic.

Covid19 Italy Slide

New developments

During the pandemic, animal friends have become even closer companions to people. Consumer behaviour has also changed accordingly. Today, the pet is even more part of the family than usual and existing trends in the premium product sector have continued and evolved. Pascale Sonvico, Show Officer and International Sales Manager (Zoomark International), and Dr. Rowena Arzt, Head of Exhibitions (WZF/Interzoo), will report on the new developments in the Italian and German pet market and their impact on sales channels, the growing importance of sustainability, the situation in the exhibition sector and much more.

Three questions for Pascale Sonvico

  1. Why should users attend this online session?
    This session helps understand how the Italian and German market and pet parents coped with the Covid-19 pandemic outburst and how they turned challenges into opportunities.
  2. What are the main topics of this session?
    State-of-the-art and new market opportunities, changing purchasing habits and new sales channels, a more sustainable approach and the new normal in the pet supplies industry.
  3. How strong is the impact of the pandemic on the pet industry in Italy compared to other European countries like Germany?
    Italy was heavily struck by the pandemic. The lockdown and following periods in which non-essential business activities had to remain closed and people had to stay at home impacted significantly the pet industry and retail at the beginning, especially from a logistics point of view. Most companies promptly reacted by reorganizing their distribution networks and finding new or better ways to serve their customers. Further, they were able to detect new arising needs and developed new product ranges and services to meet the changing demands.
    The market is reshaping at all levels. The pandemic also accelerated the development of new sales channels, especially ecommerce, which was still not common in the pet supplies market.
    The pet population grew significantly in the last one and a half years since a high number of Italians finally decided to adopt a pet or add another one to their family. This increase, the evolving relation between pet parent and pet as well as the new living habits stimulated sales, especially in petfood.


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Pet Business Professionals

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Pet Business Professionals

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Dr. Rowena Arzt

Director Exhibitions



Pascale Sonvico

Show office and international sales manager

Zoomark International


Dr. Anja Wagner

PR Manager Interzoo



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