Scandinavia is made up of the three countries Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The diverse culture of the region is also reflected in pet keeping. In our Country Session Scandinavia, we shed light on this diverse market with a presentation by Aleksandras Bacevicius, Research Analyst, Food & Nutrition at Euromonitor International. The session will be moderated by Svein Fossa, secretary general of the Norwegian Pet Association. He also acts as president of the European Pet Organization (EPO), chairman of the Scandinavian Pet Trade Union (SPTU) and editor-in-chief of the trade magazine PetScandinavia. As an expert himself, he will give a presentation on “The Scandinavian pet market: wholesalers/distributors, retailers and marketing opportunities”. Cecilia Dannborg Wilson, Chairperson of Zoorf (Zoobranschens Riksförbund), the Swedish Pet Association will start by giving a short welcome address to all participants.